TidBits For Your MidBits

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Weight control is tedious in the holiday season, as charming foods and social events surround us. However, you can still implement a few strategies or follow some tips to maintain weight whilst enjoying your favorite treats. Below you can find seven tips to help you control your waistline during the holidays while preserving your festive spirit.

Water Makes You This

Water is something we should all strive to drink enough of each day, especially during the hot summer months and when exercising. Here at Prana Fitness GT, we know how vital drinking water is for fat loss and making you look and feel your best.

Flexing at Prana

Why Strength Training is Important for Everyone


The Importance of Getting Enough Good Quality Sleep

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The Negative Effects of Consuming Sweet Beverages and what to do

Nutrition Coaching For You

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What You Should Know To Maintain Good Health

Let the pros help you on your fitness journey!


Living in this fast-tracked world is a blessing, but it can be a little messy if you’re trying to eat healthy on the go. Most people think that healthy snacks are either too expensive or not easily available. Negative perceptions surround healthy food may be the reason why so many people don’t feel ready to commit to eating healthy. But this article is here to tell you that you can eat healthy on the go! Fast and easy healthy food is not that hard to find and good health requires determination and simple life-style changes. Here are some tips to eat healthy on the go:


How You Can Stay Fit While Being Anywhere

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